Xanadu Wiki
Charlie B. Barkin
"What a selfish, hopeless, callous heel of a cad I've been. Blind to the needs of society's lowly unloved."
Canon: All Dogs Go To Heaven (AU)
Species: Human
Hometown: New Orleans, Louisiana, USA
Age: 37
Journal: nogooddog
Player: Red

A cross between a saint and a psychopath, Charlie B. Barkin is a far cry from a 'good guy'. However, he never goes out of his way to hurt anyone unless they have wronged him or there is money involved. Charlie probably won't like you but he'll lie right to your face and says he does if he can use you for something.

That boy needs therapy[]


Enough about you - let's talk about me

Purely psychosomatic[]

Charlie is abrupt and abrasive. He puts on a smooth-talking front to all - playing the part of everyone's buddy - Charlie's true self is more concerned with keeping people away than holding them dear. The front Charlie puts up whenever someone gets too close to discovering the man behind the mask protects a man who never learned how to love or how to trust.

Mentally and physically abused from birth, the con man was taught that men don't show emotions. Emotions were a sign of weakness and weakness was never tolerated in the Barkin household. Charlie learned to use the emotions of others to manipulate them to his will.

He was born the son of a gang leader and a prosititute and he acts every part of it. Everyone has a price - nothing is sacred.

Lie down on the couch! What does that mean?[]

  • "Cause actually, when you get to know me, I'm a fairly sentimental-type

    Why are you bothering me?

    of guy. Bit of an innocent you might say."
  • "These are some of the poorest people I know. They're more broke than the Ten Commandments."
  • "Don't think! From now on, I'll do the thinking! "
  • "Have the good grace to die with some fucking dignity."
  • "Quick question. Do you think I'm crazy? Yes or no?"
  • "There are three truths in life: you are born, you will die, and things change."